France’s Property Renovation Grants or MaPrimeRénov: What Changes in 2025?
Essential Reading

Since the start of 2021, renovation grants—known as MaPrimeRénov—have been available to households in France to help fund improvements to ventilation, heating systems, and insulation. Here’s what you need to know about the grants, who is eligible, and how to apply.
What is MaPrimeRénov?
MaPrimeRénov is the online portal via which you can access the French government’s various renovation grants and tax credits. Up until January 2021, these grants and credits were all issued by different ministries and government agencies, making them notoriously difficult to access and understand the eligibility criteria.
MaPrimeRénov simplifies the whole process and replaces the previous Crédit d’impôt pour travaux d’économies d’énergie (CITE) system. New applications can be made online through the site.
What changed in 2022?
As of January 1, 2022, all available aid is now accessible via this portal. All projects will be tracked through your online account, and claims and reimbursements will be made directly through the site. There is also a national telephone number – 0 808 800 700 where you can speak to an advisor (free service, available Monday-Friday from 9am to 6pm) and information desks located around the country where you can arrange an in-person appointment to discuss your project (you can book these through the site).
Will the MaPrimeRenov renovation grants be continued into 2025?
Yes. It was announced in the final quarter of 2024, that the MaPrimeRenov grants would be continuing into 2025, as France continues to prioritise energy-efficiency in French homes.
What renovation grants are available and who is eligible?
Renovation grants are currently available in France for those looking to undertake home renovations to improve the energy efficiency of their property. This includes but is not limited to improvements, upgrades, or installations of ventilation systems, heating systems, and insulation.
These grants are currently available to all French households, including high-income earners (although the amount you will receive will vary depending on your income). Homeowners, landlords, and second-home owners can all apply, and the grants are available for any home that is more than two years old.
Can second-home owners benefit from these renovation grants?
Possibly. Renovations grants are not limited to homeowners who live in their homes, and they are not limited to a single property (for owners of multiple properties, there is a limit of four properties, including your primary residence). This means you may, in theory, apply for grants for renovation projects on multiple homes or on a second home or rental property that you own.
However, these grants will largely be unavailable to non-residents. While there is no stipulation that you are a French resident in order to apply, you must have a fiscal number (numéro fiscal) and submit your most recent French tax return (avis d’impôt sur le revenu).
Effectively, this rules out anyone who is not a tax resident in France from applying (aside from the rare situations in which you also file a tax return in France).
How much can I receive?
Each household can potentially receive up to €20,000. The amount of assistance available will depend on your household composition and income, the house, and the project itself.
You can run a simulation on MaPrimeRénov to give you an idea of how much funding you might be able to receive.
How can I apply for a renovation grant through MaPrimeRénov?
After running a simulation on MaPrimeRénov, you can create your account and make your application online. All documents must be submitted as digital copies in a pdf format.
In order to open an account, you will need the following:
- Your most recent French tax return (avis d’impôt sur le revenu)
- Your email address and telephone number
- The full names and dates of birth of all household occupants
To complete your application, you will also need:
- Individual quotes (devis) for each part of the work to be carried out
- Details of any other financial aids or grants you have received
- Details of any Energy saving certificates (Les Certificats d’économies d’énergie (CEE)) if applicable
Once you have received confirmation of your grant, you can go ahead with the work. All work must be carried out by workers certified as ‘Reconnue Garante de l’Environnement (RGE),’ and you must keep the bills (factures) and certificates of conformity (attestation de conformité) in order to receive your reimbursement.
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