Essential French Insurance Vocabulary, Terms and Phrases


Essential Reading

Essential French Insurance Vocabulary, Terms and Phrases

Whether insuring your holiday home, taking out car insurance, or ensuring your children and other loved ones are protected—it’s important you understand exactly what your insurance does and doesn’t cover. Even if you already speak good French, you will likely come across a host of unfamiliar words and French insurance vocabulary along the way.

If you’re unsure about what insurance you need, it’s highly recommended to seek the services of an international insurance provider or financial advisor or use a French-English translator. For everything else, here are all the essential terms, phrases, and vocabulary that you’ll need.

Essential French Insurance Terms

The key people, contracts, and legal jargon that you need to know when taking out insurance in France.

Agents généraux agents who only sell policies for one insurance company

Courtier d’assurances insurance brokers or agents who sell policies from a number of companies

Agent d’assurance insurance agent

L’assuré the policy holder

Responsabilité civile propriétaire civil liability insurance – this protects against any damage caused accidentally or unintentionally to a neighbouring property or third party (for example, a tree from your property falling onto a neighbour’s fence).

Attestation d’assurance proof from your insurance company showing you have insurance.

Essential French Insurance Vocabulary

An A-Z glossary of all the essential words and vocabulary you might come across when taking out insurance in France.

accident– Accidental event

accorderacte de malveillance– Malicious Damage

appel (also : recours)– Appeal


assurance– Insurance

s’assurer– to buy an insurance

assurer– to insure

Une assurance automobile vehicle insurance

assurance collective– group insurance

assurance de biens– property insurance

assurance décès life insurance

assurance dommages-ouvrage insurance needed when building

assurance scolaire school insurance

assurance maladie/santé– health insurance

assurance tous risques– All risks / Fully Comprehensive

assureur– Insurer

Attestation d’assurance scolaire proof of school insurance

avis d’annulation–  Cancellation notice

ayant droit aux prestations– Claimant, eligible for benefits

bénéficiaire– Beneficiary

blessure– Injury

blessure invalidante– Disabling injury

Bonus-malus no claims bonus

causer un dommage– to damage

catastrophes naturelles natural disasters

constat amiable d’accident motor accident report sheet

caisse d’assurance maladie– Health Insurance Fund

caution– Deposit

clause– Clause

complémentaire– Additional

condition requise– Requirement

conditions d’ouverture des droits– Qualifying conditions

contrat résiliable– Cancelable policy

cotisations validées à titre gratuit– Credits

cotisations– Contributions

Déclaration de vol police form that needs to filled in after a theft

Dégat des eaux water damage

demande de prestations– Application, claim

demande de renseignements– Enquiry

demande tardive– Late claim

demande– Request

dispositions générales– General conditions

dommage– Damage

dommage corporel– Bodily injury

dommage matériel– Property damage

dossier– File, Paperwork

droit de faire appel– Right to appeal

durée du contrat– term of the contract/policy

engager des frais– to incur expenses

état-civil–Marital status

exonération– Exemption

fausse déclaration– false declaration

Franchise excess

impayé– Overdue

imposable– Taxable, liable to tax

inaptitude au travail– Inability to work

incapacité de travail– Incapacity for work

incapacité temporaire– Temporary disability

Incendie fire

indemnisation– Indemnification

indemnité forfaitaire– Fixed allowance

invalidité– Disability

invalidité partielle– Partial disability

invalidité totale– Total disability

malus– Penalty

montant– Amount

ouverture des droits– Entitlement

pension alimentaire(enfant) – Child support

pension d’invalidité– Disability benefit, Invalidity benefit

pension de retraite– Retirement benefit

personne à charge– Dependant

plafond des indemnités– Limit of Indemnity

preuve de sinistre– Proof of loss

prime d’assurance– Insurance premium

protection/prévoyance sociale– Social Welfare

présentation d’une demande– Submission of a claim

preuves/Justification– Evidence

période minimum d’affiliation– Qualifying period

rappeler, mentionner– to quote

réclamer– to claim

refuser une prestation– to disallow benefit

réunir, remplir les conditions– to meet the conditions

régime de retraite– Pension plan

relevé d’assurance– Insurance record

relevé des cotisations– Contribution statements

remboursement– Refund

rente– Annuity

requérant– Claimant

retraite versée par l’Etat– State Pension

règlement– Regulation

régime– Scheme

risque– Risk

risque réel– Genuine risk

résiliation – cancellation

situation– Circumstances

séjour– Stay

taux-plein– Full rate

temporaire– Provisional

Au tiers third party only

Au tiers illimité or tiers complet third party fire and theft

Tous risques comprehensive cover

valeur vénale current market value

versement avant terme– Payment in advance

versement à terme échu– Payment in arrear

veuf, veuve – Widowed

Ready to Get Insured In France?

Whether you need homeowners insurance, car insurance, or want advice on how best to protect your French assets, FrenchEntrée is here to help! Read the rest of our Essential Reading Articles, then get in touch with our trusted insurance providers for a quote or advice on your French insurance needs.

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